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Intelligence artificielle et relation client : Les raisons d'un succès

The impact of artificial intelligence on customer relations

With the development of new technologies like the Internet, customer relations are changing, and companies need to adapt. digiCONTACTS explains the impact of these new technologies on customer relations. The benefits of artificial intelligence in customer relations Customer relations are a constantly evolving field: the Internet, e-mail, forums, social networks, chatbots… The points of contact […]

Comment améliorer la productivité des équipes dans les centres de contact ?

How can you improve team productivity?

Managing a company’s production is one of the most complex tasks facing its managers. The hardest part is achieving the objectives. Discover the best tips for optimizing your team’s productivity. By setting clear objectives To make a team productive, you need to set clear objectives to be achieved. Set up individual objectives and KPIs (performance […]

Avantages prospection téléphonique : Nos conseils pour réussir en 2024

The main advantages of telephone prospecting in customer relations

Why equip your call center with telesales software? digiCONTACTS, the telemarketing software specialist, presents the advantages of this solution for managing outbound calls. Use prospecting software to maximize your contact rate digiCONTACTS call center software is based on several technologies to ensure fast, efficient contact taking: a stable connection thanks to IP telephony and the […]

Mental health and employee well-being

Mental health and employee well-being

Being at the heart of customer service activities, mental health and well-being play a major role in impacting performance, so taking care of the mental health of your call center staff is a strategy for efficiency and productivity. It is essential to understand the mental health problems faced by employees, as these can be difficult […]

What is automatic incoming call distribution?

What is automatic incoming call distribution?

Article summary In the evolving landscape of customer relations, automatic call distribution (ACD) is proving to be a central pivot for optimizing interactions between companies and their customers. This technology, essential to the smooth running of contact centers, enables efficient, intelligent management of incoming calls, routing them to the agent best suited to meet the […]

What is omnichannel and how do you implement it?

What is omnichannel and how do you implement it?

Article summary In an ever-changing business world, theomnichannel approach is becoming a necessity rather than an option. In the digital age, where the boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds are becoming blurred, understanding what omnichannel means becomes crucial for any company aiming to optimize its customer relations. Omnichannel refers to a communication and sales […]

Why use an IVR as part of your customer relations strategy?

Why use an IVR as part of your customer relations strategy?

Article summary In the dynamic and ever-changing world of customer service, the integration of advanced technologies such as an Interactive Voice Response (IV R) system has become crucial for companies wishing to remain competitive. These systems, acting as automated assistants, provide a voice interface between the company and its customers, playing an important role in […]

The keys to a successful SMS marketing campaign

The keys to a successful SMS marketing campaign

Article summary Imagine a communication tool so powerful that you can reach your customers directly in their pockets, at any time of day, with an open rate approaching 100%. This is the promise of SMS marketing, a crucial strategy in the world of modern commerce. A successful SMS marketing campaign not only sends out messages, […]

Relation client banque : Mettre le client au centre de la stratégie

Bank customer relations: Putting the customer at the heart of your strategy

Article summary At a time when digitalization is gaining the upper hand, the human dimension remains a key element, particularly in the banking sector. Trust, the cornerstone of any relationship, can only be established if the customer feels listened to, understood and valued. The customer-bank relationship is therefore crucial these days. Today’s users are better […]

Customer relationship challenges : 6 key challenges for 2023 and 2024

Customer relationship challenges : 6 key challenges for 2023 and 2024

Article summary In the digital age, where every click is a voice, customer relations are like a strategic fortress for any company. Imagine a world where every interaction, every purchase, every point of contact becomes a key to forging and developing deeper relationships and greater loyalty. This is the major challenge of our time. What’s […]