Your contact center solution - 100% Cloud and Omnichannel

Simplify management and interaction with your customers!

Transform the efficiency of your customer relations with a fluid, intuitive and customizable contact center solution. Deliver an exceptional customer experience across the entire customer journey, on all communication channels, inbound and outbound.

digiCONTACTS omnichannel call center software

They trust our expertise:
VSEs, SMEs and Key Accounts

The benefits of our contact center solution

Improve the efficiency of your customer relations today

With our contact center solution, you can simply and efficiently manage interactions with your customers across all channels: Calls, emails, SMS, Instant Messaging...Our solution is intuitive, 100% customizable and adapted to numerous CRM or business applications.

Omnichannel solution from digiCONTACTS

Omnichannel: Easily engage your customers across all digital channels

With omnichannel technology, you can unify the channels of communication with your customers throughout their journey on a single platform: Calls, SMS, Mails or Instant Messaging, your agents will be more responsive and efficient!

Team productivity

Artificial Intelligence: Automate your actions

Our contact center solution integrates the latest artificial intelligence and automation technologies to improve customer relationship management. With digiCONTACTS, take advantage of a high-performance, intuitive and 100% secure solution to facilitate the management of your interactions while improving your productivity.

Integrate our call center software with your business applications

Analysis and KPIs: Measure and optimize your performance in real time

Quickly integrate our contact center solution with your CRM and business applications, and access real-time statistics and detailed information on your inbound and/or outbound contacts at the click of a button .

Services integrated into our contact center solution

Turnkey solutions to meet your needs!

Thanks to the many functionalities of our contact center solution (Omnichannel, inbound and outbound calls, IVR, IP telephony...), you can optimally manage your acquisition campaigns and interactions with your prospects and customers.

Inbound calls

Inbound calls

Automate the management of your incoming call flows with our ACD automatic call distribution software and improve your users' experience.

Outgoing calls

Outgoing calls

Simplify the management of your inbound call campaigns with our outbound call software, and develop and maximize contact rates with our adaptive dialing engine.



Engage your customers across all digital channels, inbound and outbound, and deliver a smoother, more enjoyable customer relationship experience.

IP telephony

IP telephony

Reduce your telephone costs by implementing an ip telephony solution and offer excellent call quality thanks to a high-speed Internet connection.


Why select us?

A company on a human scale


A company on a human scale

A privileged relationship with our customers: direct contact, without intermediaries.
Conviviality and proximity!




We always keep our customers informed and give them access to all the information that concerns them.




We are constantly testing and integrating new technologies as they evolve.




We are constantly testing and integrating new technologies as they evolve.

Availability and responsiveness


Availability and responsiveness

We are available 6 days a week.
We are taking the necessary initiatives as quickly as possible.




The services we offer have a value and quality/price ratio that is hard for our competitors to match.

digiCONTACTS Company

About us
digiCONTACTS a brand developed by SDCI

We offer companies 100% open, high-performance and scalable telephony solutions!
We provide you with genuine support in your strategy to develop, satisfy and win new customers, in both BtoB and BtoC, in the warm, dynamic atmosphere of an ultra-personalized, professional relationship! Transparency and responsiveness guaranteed!
Our strengths: a neutral viewpoint and our 15+ years of expertise in customer strategy.
Our motto: that you become "NUMBER ONE" among your competitors!


Discover our success stories

groupe caille auto plateforme distrigo

Caillé Auto Group

Groupe Caillé, on the recommendation of Stellantis, has decided to equip itself with our call center solution ...
groupe-tressol-chabrier solution de relation client automobile

Tressol Chabrier Group

The Tressol Chabrier Group has opted for the digiCONTACTS solution to equip its call center and replace its switchboards ...
Societe generale, service banque à distance

Société Générale

digiCONTACTS has set up a telephone banking service called Vocalia, available 24/7 ...

Start improving your customer relations today with digiCONTACTS

F.A.Q. about our contact center solution

A contact center solution is an omnichannel platform designed to improve engagement and communication between your company and your customers. By integrating various communication channels such as calls, e-mails, instant messaging or social networks into a single interface, it enables your agents to respond effectively and in a personalized way to each request.

This solution optimizes the customer experience by making exchanges smoother and reducing response times. For your company, this translates into a significant improvement in customer satisfaction and increased loyalty. What's more, thanks to advanced features such as automation of repetitive tasks and integration with CRM tools, your teams can focus on higher-value interactions, improving their productivity and the overall efficiency of your customer service.

Adopting a contact center solution is therefore a strategic choice for any organization wishing to offer an exceptional customer experience while optimizing its internal operations.

A contact center solution plays a crucial role in improving customer satisfaction, thanks to its ability to deliver a fluid, personalized user experience. By centralizing communications across different channels, it ensures consistent and efficient management of customer interactions, whatever the customer's chosen point of contact. This omnichannel approach provides agents with a complete history of exchanges with each customer, facilitating rapid, relevant and personalized responses.

In addition, the automation of answers to frequently asked questions and the implementation of predictive responses based on collected data significantly improve response times, a key factor in customer satisfaction. The ability to proactively manage customer queries and problems before they become critical also contributes to a better customer experience.

Last but not least, integration with CRM systems and other analysis tools enables in-depth understanding of customer needs and preferences, leading to continuous improvements in the service offered. An effective contact center solution thus transforms customer engagement into a positive experience, strengthening brand loyalty and trust.

Yes, it is entirely possible, and even recommended, to integrate our contact center solution with other CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools. This integration creates a coherent ecosystem that centralizes customer data, improving the quality of service and the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Integration with a CRM gives agents access to a complete history of customer interactions, providing an overview that helps personalize communication and anticipate customer needs. This strengthens the ability to deliver a highly personalized customer experience, increasing satisfaction and loyalty.

Similarly, connection with digital marketing platforms facilitates the alignment of communication strategies and the delivery of consistent messages across all channels. This helps optimize advertising campaigns, improve targeting and more effectively measure the impact of marketing actions on customer engagement.

The integration of these systems also offers operational benefits, such as the reduction of manual data entry and associated errors, and enables finer analysis of customer data. This leads to a better understanding of customer journeys, more informed decision-making and, ultimately, continuous improvement of the customer experience.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are taking center stage in modern contact center solutions, radically transforming the way companies interact with their customers. These technologies help optimize operations, improve efficiency and deliver an exceptional customer experience.

AI enhances the personalization and relevance of interactions by analyzing customer data to anticipate their needs and provide tailored responses. It also enables chatbots and virtual assistants to handle simple requests 24/7, reducing waiting times and freeing up agents for more complex tasks.

Automation, meanwhile, simplifies operational processes by taking over repetitive, time-consuming tasks. This includes routing calls to the most appropriate agent, updating customer files, and automatically sending follow-up messages. These automated processes increase efficiency and allow agents to focus on improving customer relations.

Together, AI and automation contribute to better workflow management, reduced operational costs and significantly improved customer satisfaction. They give companies the tools they need to respond rapidly to changing customer expectations, while delivering high-quality service consistently.

The main difference between a call center solution and a contact center solution lies in the scope of the communication channels supported, and in the overall approach to customer relationship management.

1. Call center solution: Traditionally, a call center solution focuses on managing inbound and outbound telephone calls. It is optimized to handle high call volumes, with features such as automatic call distribution (ACD), queue management, and agent performance monitoring. The main objective is to ensure the efficiency and quality of telephone service.

2. Contact center solution: A contact center solution offers a more holistic approach to customer relationship management by integrating a multitude of communication channels. In addition to phone calls, it supports email, live chat, SMS, social networks, and sometimes even interactions in person or via video channels. This omnichannel approach enables a more consistent and personalized customer experience, giving customers the freedom to choose their preferred communication channel.

Contact center solutions also emphasize integration with other enterprise systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software, to provide a unified view of interactions with each customer and facilitate more strategic customer relationship management. They can include advanced functionalities such as data analysis, artificial intelligence for service automation and chatbot assistance, offering a greater ability to anticipate and respond to customer needs.

In short, the contact center solution represents an evolution of the call center solution, offering more integrated, flexible, customer-centric CRM across multiple communication channels.

Discover digiCONTACTS software for professionals during a free 20-minute demo

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