Mental health and employee well-being

Being at the heart of customer service activities, mental health and well-being play a major role in impacting performance, so taking care of the mental health of your call center staff is a strategy for efficiency and productivity.
It is essential to understand the mental health problems faced by employees, as these can be difficult to resolve. What’s more, those with mental health problems are more likely to have behavioral problems at work. Managers can prevent this problem by creating a healthy working environment. This will help both workers in poor physical and mental health, while saving money on medical treatment. People with mental illness are generally unable to seek medical attention for their condition because of discrimination from colleagues and employers. Many people with mental illnesses are reluctant to disclose their condition to colleagues for fear of abuse. It is also possible that the employer may misinterpret the employee’s behavior as a sign of instability at work. Managers need to think carefully about providing an appropriate working environment for their mentally ill staff members, as failure to do so can lead to serious workplace problems. Mentally fit employees will be more productive if they feel comfortable talking about their condition without fear of mistreatment.
Bringing in a professional, such as a company-affiliated psychotherapist, can help the employee to break out of this unhealthy zone. Addressing the problem directly at its source not only calms impulsive behavior at work, but also brings outside help to the individual. It’s easier for the employee to talk to a professional, and quicker to administer the dressing to the wounds causing mental health. Communication is the best way to bring well-being back to the workplace. At the same time, making the employee feel at ease in the workplace also eases this tension, as wellbeing in the office is very important for the team, helping to put the employee at ease while motivating him or her. Providing our employees with a healthy environment in which to flourish is a strategic approach for the company.
A good working environment promotes a good working atmosphere!